“Clash of the Books,” Part II

(For part I of Sabrina Flynn’s award-winning “Clash of the Books,” scroll down to yesterday’s post, or wait until Tuesday for the entire story.)   II   “Run, you fools!” A lash of flame descended with a sizzling snap.  The detectives and librarian ran, taking cover in the Natural Sciences aisle.  Black smoke gathered, writhing…

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Contest winner: “Clash of the Books”

Every year we run a contest celebrating National Library Week, asking readers to talk about their love for libraries.  This year I posed the challenge of explaining what “library” means,  to someone like a Martian—and said that there would be extra points if the essay/poem/etc mentioned Kate Martinelli, whose 20th anniversary 2013 is. I loved…

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Living in libraries

What is the purpose of a library?  What is a library?  A safe place, a place where the imagination can run riot, a place where I can find a job or learn a skill or use the computer or discover something new, every single day. I love libraries. One of my earliest memories is of…

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Libraries! Yes!

In case you didn’t open your newsletter (you are signed up for the News, aren’t you?) you may not have seen two Events With Deadlines, both celebrating next week’s National Library Week. Event the First: A contest. There’s a complete set of five Martinelli hardbacks with your name on it–or rather, with my name on…

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Library Book Club in a Box

Reminder: a week from today is our first drawing for the Library Book Club in a Box! Enter your favorite library today for a chance to win them a set of Laurie R. King books. We’ll be doing drawings through April, so your chances are good!

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Puzzle Winner

Congratulations to Tim O., the winner of last week’s puzzle contest. Tim, we haven’t heard back from you, so please be in touch at info@laurierking.com to claim your prize: a hardcover copy of Garment of Shadows.

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Garment of Puzzles

The past few years we’ve been doing a lot of pre-publication hoopla here at LRK-Land, but (you may have noticed) this year not so much. Partly this is because I’ve been moving house while also incredibly busy with Life and partly because, well, enough is enough even when it comes to fun.  But one thing…

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Newsletter drawing

A last group of Garment of Shadows ARCs will go out to ten people on the newsletter mailing list.  We’ll do the drawing on Tuesday, so if you’re not signed up for the newsletter, you might like to drop in on the web site and stick your name here. Good luck!

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Thanks to everyone who sent in a comment over the last ten days—and congratulations to the winners (although Betsy Chamberlin and Elizabeth Copley, you might want to check your email if you’d like an ARC because we haven’t heard from you yet!)  And actually, I apologize for inflicting the task of a daily comment on…

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Rome in Africa

Leave a comment on today’s Mutterings for a chance at winning a copy of the Garment of Shadows ARC. Among other oddities of this extraordinary country, Morocco was part of the Roman empire.  As Hadrian’s Wall, between England and Scotland, marked the northern point of Rome’s West, the city of Volubilis occupied its south-western fringes.…

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