On the road with Bones

Thank you to the fabulous people at Copperfields for a great evening, and come join the fun at Poisoned Pen in Scottsdale, tonight. Here’s Tuesday’s launch with fab Meredith and fantastic Cara Black (Thanks, M!):

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All Laurie, all the time

A big Thanks! to everyone who came out to Books Inc. in San Francisco last night, we had a great time nibbling and sipping, and the stack of books I signed are on their way to the other Books Inc. stores, you’ll find them there soon.  If the launch is any indication, this is going…

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Yes, today!

  What, you were expecting another day of countdown? Nope, The Bones of Paris: on shelves in your local bookstore, today.  And if you’re within striking distance of San Francisco, join us tonight for our launch with a French accent. ** In the meantime, while you’re waiting for the shops to open, take a look…

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  It’s 1 day until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris. For excerpts and information click here.  The Latin Quarter   From page 87: The night felt soft after the harsh day, and… [Stuyvesant’s] feet took him along the boulevard Raspail; up the rue de Rennes; through narrow streets unchanged since students…

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2 Days until THE BONES OF PARIS…

  It’s 2 days until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris. For excerpts and information click here.   Arènes de Lutèce   From page 68:  [Stuyvesant] set off across the heart of the Latin Quarter in the direction of the Arènes de Lutèce. Lutetia was Rome’s name for the city, and the…

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3 Days until THE BONES OF PARIS…

  It’s 3 days until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris. For excerpts and information click here.   Vert-Galant   From page 238-9: Past the magnificence of Notre Dame, around the Palais de Justice, and across the road to the small park at its prow, the Vert-Galant. Voices came from a moored…

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Contest closing

Just a reminder to anyone interested in this year’s contest: the deadline to send me the URL of your Pinterest page is midnight tonight Pacific time (although to be honest, I may not actually get to all the boards until midday tomorrow…).  First prize is the iPad mini loaded with my books,and the five runners-up…

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4 Days until THE BONES OF PARIS…

  It’s 4 days until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris. For excerpts and information click here.       From page 85: [Stuyvesant] walked along to the pub-like comfort of the Falstaff and let Jimmie pour him a glass of his best Scotch.  Jimmy Charters had been a British flyweight boxer,…

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5 Days until THE BONES OF PARIS…

  It’s 5 days until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris. For excerpts and information click here.     From page 89: The welcome, the voices—just the company of Mme Lemestre’s ladies teased at him like a cool breeze.  He even had the money for a full night of pampering.   The…

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6 Days until THE BONES OF PARIS…

  It’s 6 days until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris. For excerpts and information click here. Montparnasse Cemetery   From page 61: “His studio is down near Denfert-Rochereau….” “Isn’t that across from the Montparnasse cemetery?” “Yes. Not one of the more cheery cemeteries, I’m afraid.”   Established outside the city center…

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