7 Days until THE BONES OF PARIS…

  It’s 7 days until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris. For excerpts and information click here.   Cole Porter’s Music Room, Paris   From page 312: [Stuyvesant] began with Cole Porter, the man Sarah had taken care to be standing beside at the strike of the full-moon bell.  Porter lived with…

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Ten days of giveaways

My publisher is handing out books right and left—ten of them, actual hardback copies of The Bones of Paris.  This is a blog tour/giveaway based on a love of France–Francophile blogs all, who have agreed to do reviews and give away a book. Meet some new blogger voices, such as Words & Peace: As I…

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8 Days until THE BONES OF PARIS…

  It’s 8 days until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris. For excerpts and information click here.   Gertrude Stein (r) & Alice B. Toklas (l) by Man Ray: 27 rue de Fleurus   From page 145: “Why do so few Americans bother to learn the language?  People like that Stein woman—you…

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9 Days until THE BONES OF PARIS…

  It’s 9 days until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris. For excerpts and information click here.   Natalie Barney’s house: 20 rue Jacob.   From page 314: One drink wasn’t enough courage to face rue Jacob.  Ten probably wouldn’t be.  [Stuyvesant] did not give himself a chance to chicken out, but…

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10 Days until THE BONES OF PARIS…

  It’s 10 days until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris. For excerpts and information click here. LUNA PARK – PARIS FAIRGROUND SCENES – CLICK ON PHOTO TO BE TAKEN TO VIDEO Luna Park   From page 236:  He bought her a pair of red balloons, he won her a doll at…

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11 Days until THE BONES OF PARIS…

  It’s 11 days until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris. For excerpts and information click here.   Grand Salon Room, mid-18th century, Paris   From page 161: A century and a half ago, one of the Charmentier family had stripped twenty or thirty kilometers of stone from under the ground to…

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12 Days until THE BONES OF PARIS…

  It’s 12 days until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris. For excerpts and information click here.   Catacombs, Paris   From page 88: Practical people, the French.  When some long-forgotten quarries collapsed in the late 1700s and sucked buildings and citizens deep into the earth, at around the same time that…

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13 Days until THE BONES OF PARIS…

  It’s 13 days until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris. For excerpts and information click here.   Place Denfert-Rochereau   From page 87: In the daytime, the broad plains of the Place Denfert-Rochereau was a chariot race of taxis and trucks, but at this time of night, [Stuyvesant] and a rag-and-bone…

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14 Days until THE BONES OF PARIS…

  It’s 14 days until The Bones of Paris, Laurie R. King’s suspense novel of 1929 Paris. For excerpts and information click here.   Lee Miller. Taken in Man Ray’s studio: 31 rue Campagne-Première   From page 89: … cross the boulevard Raspail into the rue Campagne. Man Ray’s studio was easy to find: there was a large…

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Well-mapped Bones

I love maps.  The Bones of Paris doesn’t have one, but that didn’t stop Team LRK! (Map from here.) Want to see the front of Man Ray’s studio?  Or Pip Crosby’s apartment building?  Want to follow Stuyvesant’s walk from Shakespeare & Co to his seedy hotel?  See the view as he muses over the Seine from the Île de…

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