Garment of Shadows giveaway

Random House did a fabulous giveaway over at Goodreads last month. (Sorry, everyone who won and is now writing me to say they stayed up until 3 in the morning.  And sorry, too, everyone who didn’t win, and got a full night’s sleep instead.) Now they’ve set aside another dozen Advanced Reading Copies to give…

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Library contest, V and VI

I said in the rules of the contest that mention of one of my books wouldn’t give a person any extra points, but… I loved the depiction of childhood glee in Susan M’s piece, since who wouldn’t love a secret passageway into a world of books?  But honestly, I had to recognize Kathy Eliot, who…

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Thrills in the library stacks

The fourth winner in last month’s library contest is Beth Anne, whose piece offers insight into the richness and humanity of archival research. Archival research usually consists of long stretches of boredom punctuated by tedium, until bits of evidence start to tumble out of the documents. There is nothing like this sense of discovery, which…

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Pirate Kings and library-lovers

The third winner of last month’s National Library Week giveaway, Ashley W. tells us about her “Thrill in the Stacks”: My most personal library thrill actually happened at an archives. The Archives, to be exact. A friend works at the National Archives and is a specialist in US Department of State records. He was taking…

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Day Two of Library Thrills

Our second winner of the National Library Week contest (and there is no rank among the winners, by the way, no first prize or runners-up) is by “EMB”.  And how could it not be, coupling precision with the words “Bodleian” and “mitigation” in its very first sentence–then going on to a mystery involving the Tremulous…

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National Library Week contest, at last

Last month, while I was away in Japan, we ran a contest with the theme “Thrills in the Stacks”—asking for some exciting event that happened in the library.  I read the submissions when I got back 2 weeks ago, but although I don’t do jet lag, I do get really stupid for a while after…

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Five day countdown: PaiKu winner and…gigaflops?

We have a PaiKu Winner! Well, we have a whole lot of winners, since I thought all the poems were a hoot. Thanks to everyone who sent in their pirate haiku (and thanks, too, all of you who voted and saved me from having to judge!) All four of our top winners get a Pirate…

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Kids + pirates = ARrrghsome!

How can you not love a place that not only helps kids write, but does so by selling pirate gear, space travel supplies, and spy equipment? Here in the world of Laurie R. King, every new book is a chance to pay it back, to dedicate fundraisers for projects related to that year’s novel.  In 2011, it’s 826…

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Parrots and Pirates

Because I have a couple extra ARCs of Pirate King, I’ll be giving one away this Saturday to someone who has sent in a submission to the Parrot King illustrated story contest.  It’s a drawing, not a best-of prize, and since at the moment we only have four (if you mailed one and it’s not…

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Pirate ready to sail!

Pirate King sets sail three months from today!  That means it’s time for: Details of the contests, drawings, and piratical shenanigans will be given in weeks to come, but for the moment, you should know from here on out, the excerpts will be given first in the LRK newsletter, then some days later on the…

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