Library Love, from Laurie

I’ve written a love letter, for National Library Week, here. Libraries are my home and my joy. Libraries were where I lived, when I was a kid. (We moved. A lot.) Now, libraries make my work possible, since I write historical novels and do a ton of research.

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It’s Library Week!

Happy National Library Week! Here at LRK Central, every year we celebrate Library Week, often asking you, gentle Reader, to write something about your relationship with libraries: “A Love Letter to My Library” was in 2009, then “My Fantasy Library”, followed by a dose of Piratical Booty. 2012 was “Thrills in the Stacks”, after which…

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The BUZZZZZ about Library Week!

  Next week is National Library Week here in the USofA—with a theme of, “Unlimited possibilities @ your library®”—and this year, wishing to explore those possibilities, we’re doing something a little different. Yes, there will be giveaways, but—we’ll focus on middle schools. Do you have a middle school student in your family? Do you teach middle…

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Lost grey matter

Since the airlines (one of three) seem to have misplaced Laurie’s brain somewhere between Houston and Los Angeles (or perhaps in Phoenix), Mary Russell’s War will return as soon as the lost brain has been located and delivered to her door.  In the meantime, here’s a picture of yesterday’s fab event put together by the Mission…

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Larceny in the Library

I was asked to write a short piece for the Random House Library blog, so I used it as an opportunity to confess the sins I committed during the writing and researching of Dreaming Spies.  Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.  Read my confession here.

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And the winners are…

We have had (for those of you with short attention spans and/or memory loss) two contests celebrating both April’s National Library Week and Mary Russell’s 20th birthday (Miss Russell’s popularity over this score of years also owing much to the enthusiasm of libraries.) The first celebration was Book Club in a Box, weekly drawings of Russell…

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Laurie and Anne Perry, in conversation?

After a slow beginning, this next twelvemonth is heating up when it comes to events. June 29030, ALA conference, Las Vegas. I’m sitting the Sisters in Crime booth Sunday, then talking to Sherlockians and at the Author Tea on Monday.  If you’re a librarian, I’ll see you there! July 24-27, in Corte Madera, the Book…

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Contest of wits–and heart

The contest is heating up! AND NOW WITH A SPECIAL RUNNER-UP EDITION! (SEE BELOW!) “How The Beekeeper’s Apprentice Changed my Life.” or:  “When I First Met Mary Russell, She…” Drawing, essay, short story, poem. Video, embroidered pillow, decorated cake—though if it’s perishable, big, or even just beloved, why not just send in some photographs? The…

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Reader talent wins!

  Every year, LRK—and her readers!—celebrate National Library Week and our love for libraries with a contest. The theme of 2012 was “Thrills in the Stacks”.  2013 (LRK’s 20th anniversary as a writer) was, “If a Martian asked me what a ‘library’ was…” (That fabulous winning story, by our own fabulous Sabrina We-Knew-Her-When Flynn) is…

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The Great 2014 Library Giveaway…

…continues, with four cartons of Mary Russell books left to award in our Book Club in A Box giveaway.  If you have a library a) that you love and b) that hosts book clubs, and if you haven’t sent us their name yet, do so now.  Email it to me at: The next drawing…

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